• На Гавайях обнаружили самую большую белую акулу в мире.Вокруг Света. Украина
    Фото: oceanramsey/instagram
    Пятница, 18 января 2019

    На Гавайях обнаружили самую большую белую акулу в мире

    Дайверам удалось подплыть очень близко и даже коснуться ее.

    Дайверам  удалось сфотографировать крупным планом белую акулу у гавайского острова Оаху. Марк Мохлер и Кимберли Джеффрис застали ее за обедом: акула закусывала тушей мертвого кашалота. Дайверам удалось подплыть очень близко и даже коснуться ее.


    Вес хищника, которому дайверы дали прозвище Deep Blue — около 2,5 тонн, а возраст — 50 лет. Эксперты считают, что это самая крупная особь в мире на сегодняшний момент.  В последний раз, как утверждают океанологи, Deep Blue видели 20 лет назад у побережья Мексики.

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    #Jaws was a fictitious film whose poster kind of looks like this, so this is my effort at an Anti-Jaws type media piece @savingjawsmovie . I’ve been swimming with sharks my whole life and working professionally with them for over 15 years. There’s a challenge I have in my efforts, to find a balance between helping people to overcome their fear of sharks that often stems for fictitious demonizing media and instilling a healthy level of respect for sharks as very capable apex predators #ApexPredatorNotMonster not puppy (cause if you pet puppies often even puppies bite, actually a lot ;)). Having worked with sharks for so long I can fully appreciate what they are capable of because I have been rushed by sharks and had to deter them and I have had to leave the water and I have watched them actively predate and compete for space and have confrontations.  However, I’ve also had the most incredible moments of my life in the water with them where 99.9% of the time they cruise gracefully around and so long as I keep looking around and pay attention constantly and quietly and give respect and attention to the more dominant individuals and challenging juveniles on a CONSTANT bases I am treated as more or less an equal predator.  Never complacent, always respectful and adapting at every second to every movement. I reached the point long ago where I dedicated my life to conservation and I love it, I love educating people about sharks and introducing them to them in a professional guided situation through the program I co-founded @oneoceandiving where we also collect data @oneoceanresearch @oneoceansharks and help support conservation through @Oneoceanconservation and @OneoceanEducation and @Oneoceanglobal @Waterinspired @oneoceanhawaii and other with funds from @oneoceandesigns and diving I love studying shark behavior and body language and its an absolute pleasure to share that with people and help them to better appreciate sharks and I hope inspire them to help save them.  Check out http://HelpSaveSharks.Org for more ways to get involved. #Aloha #hawaii #greatWhiteHawaii #SaveTheOcean #ocean #discoversharks #oneoceanconservation #OneOceanDiving PHOTO CREDIT @juansharks ❤️

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    «Я знаю, многие считают, что нельзя касаться морских животных. Но эти люди не понимают, что иногда акулы сами ищут прикосновений», — говорит Кимберли.

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